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My Rambles: reflection

Saturday, January 20, 2007


You know, sometimes when I sit down and really think about my whirlwind life in the past six months, I can't believe I'm at Penn. I'm studying at a school that has been a dream for me since high school. When I'm caught up with the busyness of student teaching or frustrations with a somewhat disorganized program, I forget that I've always wanted to come to this school. Best of all, Penn is where God wants me for now. The blessings that I have received from this experience thus far is completely undeserving--I have a solid church to attend, a wise older woman to be discipled by, sisters in Christ to turn to, and an awesome fourth grade student teaching placement (I love going to Cynwyd every morning!). I have so much to be thankful for.

thank You God for showing and reminding me that it is because of Your grace that I can sit in my room, look outside the window, see the wintery campus, and remember that I'm living out one of my dreams. thank You for making this dream come true.

on a similar note, I'm graduating in less than four months!!! :-D and then, Lord willing, I'll be home in the bay area. :-)


At 7:25 PM, Blogger Jesse Lu said...

You're right sister, we are blessed beyond what we can understand.

At 10:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Let's try a phone date on a Saturday evening before your self imposed Grandma bed time =P


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